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  • シミ|元町マリン眼科

    SPOT stain HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members About ​ stains 美容点滴とは、美容や健康に役立つ成分を含んだ点滴を静脈に直接注入することで、栄養素や活性物質の吸収率を高め、即時効果が期待できる方法です。主に、ビタミンやミネラル、アミノ酸、抗酸化物質などが配合されています。美容点滴にはいくつかの期待される効能がありますが、個人差があり、効果を感じるまでの時間や程度は異なります。以下に、美容点滴の一般的な効果をいくつか紹介します。 美容点滴の一般的な効果 アンチエイジング 抗酸化物質やビタミンCなどが含まれており、肌の老化を防ぐ効果が期待されます。​ 美肌効果 ビタミンCやグルタチオンなどの成分が、肌のターンオーバーを促し、美白やシミ予防に役立ちます。​ 疲労回復 ​ ビタミンB群やアミノ酸が筋肉疲労の回復を助け、エネルギーを補給します。 免疫力向上 抗酸化物質やビタミンCが免疫力を高め、風邪や感染症に対する抵抗力を向上させるとされています。 ストレス軽減 タミンB群が神経伝達物質の生成をサポートし、ストレスを軽減する効果があります。 ​​ ただし、美容点滴は短期間で効果を実感できることがある一方で、長期的な効果については継続的な治療が必要です。また、点滴は医療行為に当たるため、必ず医師や看護師による施術を受けることが重要です。美容点滴には副作用やリスクも存在するため、アレルギーや持病がある方は、事前に医師と相談することをお勧めします。 ​Sagging treatment with HIFU 当院の白玉点滴にはグルタチオンとビタミンC、シーパラが配合されています。海外ではビヨンセがこの点滴で肌が白くなったことが有名でビヨンセ点滴とも呼ばれています。芸能人や海外セレブが行っていることもあり、話題の美容法です。 ​ グルタチオンは、グルタミン酸・システイン・グリシンの3つのアミノ酸からなる成分で、シミの原因となるメラニンを抑制・排出する効果があります。その他に肝斑の改善、炎症後色素沈着の改善やアレルギーを抑えたり、アルコールの解毒にも効果ありです。 ​ グルタチオンはもともと体内に存在している成分ですが、20代をピークに減少していく傾向があります。定期的に白玉点滴を行い、グルタチオンを補充することでアンチエイジングに繋がります。 ​ さらに、ビタミンCはコラーゲンの生成や高い抗酸化力、グルタチオンと同じくメラニン抑制効果もあり、美肌・美白とともにシミやそばかすの改善なども期待できます。シーパラはビタミンB1、B2、B3、B5、B6が配合されている複合ビタミン剤です。肌荒れや肉体疲労回復、美肌、美髪に効果があります。 白玉点滴の効果 メラニン抑制 高い抗酸化作用 抗アレルギー作用 肝機能改善 免疫力アップ 疲労回復 肝斑の予防、改善 色素沈着の改善 蕁麻疹等の湿疹、皮膚炎の改善 ​ 点滴時間は20~30分ほどで終わります。1回で劇的な効果が得られるわけではありませんので、4~5回を1クールと考え、1~2か月は1週間に1~2回点滴し、3か月目から月1回のペースで点滴を行うとより効果的です。 点滴時間 点滴時間は20~30分ほどで終わります。1回で劇的な効果が得られるわけではありませんので、4~5回を1クールと考え、1~2か月は1週間に1~2回点滴し、3か月目から月1回のペースで点滴を行うとより効果的です。 費用 5,500円/回 さらに効果を高めたい方は1A(アンプル)500円で薬剤の追加が可能です。 4回分の価格で5回点滴が受けられる回数券も販売しております。(有効期間5か月以内) About ​ stains 美白注射は、皮膚の色素沈着を抑え、肌のトーンを明るくすることを目的とした美容施術です。美白注射の主成分は、ビタミンC(アスコルビン酸)とグルタチオンを使用します。これらの成分は、メラニン色素の生成を抑制し、シミやそばかすの予防・改善に役立ちます。 美白注射の効果は以下の通りです。 美白注射の効果 メラニン生成の抑制:美白成分がチロシナーゼという酵素の働きを抑え、メラニン色素の生成を阻止します。 抗酸化作用:ビタミンCやグルタチオンは強力な抗酸化作用があり、肌の老化を防ぎます。 美白効果:メラニン生成の抑制により、肌のトーンが明るくなり、シミやそばかすが薄くなることが期待されます。 コラーゲン生成促進:ビタミンCはコラーゲン生成を促進し、肌のハリや弾力を改善します。 美白注射を受ける際の注意点 副作用のリスク:美白注射は一般的に安全とされていますが、個人差やアレルギーによっては副作用が起こることがあります。腫れ、痛み、かゆみ、赤みなどが現れた場合は、速やかに医師に相談してください。 効果の持続性:美白注射の効果は一定期間持続しますが、長期的に維持するためには定期的な施術が必要です。 個人差:美白注射の効果は個人差があり、すぐに効果が表れる人もいれば、時間がかかる人もいます。また、全ての人に効果があるわけではありません。 医師との相談:美白注射を受ける前に、自分の肌の状態や施術内容について医師と相談し、適切な治療プランを立てることが大切です。 美白注射の価格 美白注射の価格は2,200円/回です。 5回分の価格で6回注射が受けられる回数券も販売しております。(有効期間3か月以内) About ​ stains *お待たせいたしました。プラセンタ注射再開いたしました! また、オンライン予約も承りますので、ぜひご予約の上ご来院下さい。 女性は40代くらいから女性ホルモン(エストロゲン)の分泌が低下し、自律神経のバランスが崩れることでイライラしたり、体がほてる、寝つきが悪いなどの体調の変化が出てくるようになります。これを更年期障害といいます。 更年期障害の症状 動悸、息切れ のぼせ、ほてり(ホットフラッシュ) 頭痛、腰痛、肩こり 手足のしびれ イライラ感 めまい、耳鳴り ドライアイ、ドライマウス、皮膚の乾燥 不眠 など 症状には個人差があり、数百種類の症状が報告されています。 プラセンタとは プラセンタ注射に使用されているプラセンタは人の胎盤を原材料としています。胎盤には赤ちゃんを育てるための栄養素(コラーゲン、ヒアルロン酸、必須アミノ酸、たんぱく質など)と成長因子がたくさん含まれています。そのため、プラセンタ注射には体の組織を本来あるべき状態に戻そうという体内状況を調整する作用があります。 ​ 一つ注意が必要なのは、プラセンタは生物由来の製剤なので献血ができなくなります。 プラセンタのドナーは、もちろん感染症のチェックなど行い、ウイルスなどの厳しいスクリーニング検査を経て薬剤として使用されていますが、クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病(プリオン病)の感染リスクを完全に除外することができないためです。 しかしこれまでに、クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病をはじめ、HIV,肝炎ウイルスなどがプラセンタ注射で感染したという報告はありません。以上の理由から、プラセンタ注射を一度でも受けた方は日赤を通じての献血はできません。 プラセンタ注射の効果 プラセンタにはラエンネックとメルスモンの2種類の製剤があります。メルスモンは45歳〜60歳の方は保険適応で注射を受けられます。1回の注射は1A(アンプル)、種類はメルスモンのみです。保険適応内では週3回、月15回まで注射可能です。 ラエンネック注射は肝機能改善に使用される治療薬として、メルスモン注射は更年期障害の改善に使用される治療薬として厚生労働省に認可されています。自由診療の場合、薬剤は診察で医師と相談し選択できます。これらの効果以外にもアンチエイジング(老化防止)や美肌・美白などといった様々な効果が期待されています。発毛・育毛にも効果があることが分かっているので、薄毛にお悩みの男性にもおすすめです。 プラセンタ注射の価格 プラセンタ注射の価格は2A(アンプル)2,200円です。 更年期障害とプラセンタ注射について 詳細はこちら About ​ stains 通称ニンニク注射でおなじみのアリナミン注射は疲労回復に効果があります。ニンニクが入っているわけではありませんが、血管に入った時にニンニクの香りを感じるのでそう呼ばれています。ニンニクを使った料理は何となくパワーが出るのも名前の由来かもしれません。 ニンニク注射の価格 ニンニク注射の価格は2,200円/回です。 About ​ stains ダイエット注射は脂質代謝を高める成分であるLカルニチンと糖代謝を高めるαリポ酸を主成分とし、疲労回復を助けて肝機能を改善する強力ネオミノファーゲンCをプラスしました。アレルギー症状の改善にも効果があります。 ​ 配合成分:レボカルニチン、チオクト酸(αリポ酸)、グリチルリチン・グリシン・システイン配合剤注射液 ダイエット注射はこんな方にお勧めです 運動しているがなかなか体重が減らない 食欲が旺盛で食べる量を減らすことができない 美容や健康のために痩せたい ダイエットをいろいろ試したが継続できない トレーニングや運動前後に注射をしていただくと、効率的に代謝アップできます。ただし、注射をしたからといって暴飲暴食してしまっては元も子もありません。注射や運動とともに食事療法も取り入れることによって、早く効果を実感できます。 ダイエット注射の副作用やリスク 刺入部の痛みや内出血、投与時反応、アレルギー症状など ダイエット注射の価格 新メニューキャンペーン中! 通常5500円のところ3300円/回 (※10月中のみ期間限定) About ​ stains マイヤーズ・カクテル点滴は、アメリカ合衆国メリーランド州のマイヤーズ医師が行っていた静注療法をベースに、体に必要なビタミンやミネラルであるビタミンB1、B2、B3、B5、B6、B12、ビタミンC、マグネシウム、カルシウムなどを、点滴で体内に注入する治療法として知られています。様々な慢性疾患の症状緩和に効果があることが報告されています。 直接静脈内に注入するため、サプリメント内服に比べて体内への吸収が早く、より高い効果が期待できます。 配合成分:ビタミンB1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B12,ビタミンC、パンテノール、カルシウム、マグネシウム マイヤーズカクテル点滴はこんな方や症状にお勧めです 疲れやすい、慢性疲労がなかなか取れない方 ・アレルギー性疾患や気管支喘息、慢性蕁麻疹 偏頭痛 心疾患 ・生理不順 ・自律神経失調 こむら返り イライラ・抑うつ症状 ・アンチエイジング マイヤーズカクテル点滴の副作用やリスク 刺入部の痛みや内出血、投与時反応、アレルギー症状など 心臓の治療薬であるジギタリス製剤を使用中の患者様はカルシウム静注により不整脈が生ずる危険性がありますので必ず事前にお申し出ください。 マイヤーズカクテル点滴の価格 新メニューキャンペーン中! 通常6600円/回を4400円/回 (※10月中のみ期間限定) FAQ Q. 注射や点滴はサプリより効果がありますか? ​A. 美白注射とサプリメント内服の効果は、摂取方法や成分の吸収率の違いから、比較することが難しいです。それぞれの方法には、一長一短があります。 美白注射の利点 : 1. 高い吸収率:注射により、成分が直接血流に入るため、吸収率が高く、効果が早く現れることが期待されます。 2. 確実な摂取量:注射によって、必要な成分を正確な量だけ摂取できます。 美白注射の欠点 : 1. 副作用のリスク:注射による副作用がある場合があります。腫れ、痛み、かゆみ、赤みなどが起こる可能性があります。 2. コスト:美白注射は、サプリメントに比べて費用がかかります。 3. 通院の手間:美容クリニックや病院に通う必要があります。 サプリメント内服の利点 : 1. 手軽さ:自宅で手軽に摂取できます。 2. コスト:美白注射に比べて費用が抑えられます。 サプリメント内服の欠点 : 1. 吸収率:消化器官を通るため、成分の吸収率が低くなることがあります。 2. 効果の現れるまでの時間:サプリメントは、継続的な摂取が必要で、効果が現れるまでに時間がかかることがあります。 どちらの方法が適しているかは、個人の体調や生活スタイル、目的によって異なります。自分に合った方法を選ぶためには、医師と相談し、適切なアドバイスを受けることが重要です。

  • シミ|元町マリン眼科

    SPOT stain HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members About ​ stains ニキビとは 皮膚の表面にできる炎症性の隆起物です。顔や背中、胸などの皮膚の油脂分泌が多い場所にできやすく、思春期に多く発生することが多いですが、年齢や性別に関係なく誰でもできる可能性があります。 ニキビの原因 ​ ニキビの原因は、主に毛穴が詰まることで、皮脂や角質などの汚れが詰まって炎症が起こることが考えられます。ホルモンバランスの乱れやストレス、過剰な洗顔や食生活の乱れなども原因になることがあります。 ニキビの種類 ​ ニキビの種類には、白ニキビ、黒ニキビ、膿んだニキビ、大人ニキビ、ニキビ跡などがあります。治療方法には、洗顔や化粧水、保湿剤、薬用クリームや内服薬などがあります。ただし、重度のニキビの場合は、皮膚科での診断と治療が必要になることもあります。 予防方法としては、毛穴を詰まらせないように、適度な洗顔や保湿を行うこと、適度な運動や食生活の改善、ストレスの軽減などが挙げられます。また、指でニキビを触ったり、つぶしたりすることは避けるようにしましょう。 About ​ stains ニキビの治療は、医療機関でも行えます。保険でできる治療もありますが、ここでは美容皮膚科で行う治療について述べます。​ 医学的スキンケア 詳細はこちら クリニックで専門のスキンケア製品をご紹介して、適切なスキンケアの指導をします。これにより、ニキビの原因となる皮脂の過剰分泌や毛穴の詰まりを予防し、炎症を抑えることができます。 薬物療法 抗生物質やビタミンA誘導体(レチノイド)などの内服薬や外用薬が処方されます。これらは、炎症を抑えるだけでなく、皮脂の分泌をコントロールし、毛穴の詰まりを改善する効果があります。 ケミカルピーリング アルファヒドロキシ酸(AHA)やサリチル酸などの薬剤を肌に塗布し、古い角質を取り除き、肌の新陳代謝を促進します。これにより、毛穴の詰まりやニキビ痕が改善されることがあります。 レーザー治療 詳細はこちら 照射された光が皮膚の奥深くまで届き、皮脂腺のサイズを縮小させ、皮脂の分泌を抑える効果があります。また、炎症を抑える効果もあります。 光線療法 詳細はこちら ​ 青色光や赤色光を照射して、炎症を抑える働きがあります。また、皮膚の細菌を減らす効果もあります。 ​ これらの治療方法は、患者のニキビの状態や肌質、ニキビの原因などによって異なりますので、専門医と相談して最適な治療プランを決めることが重要です。また、治療の効果は個人差があり、すぐに効果が現れるわけではないので、根気よく続けていくことが、ニキビ跡を残さないために大切です。

  • About us | 元町マリン眼科

    About Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic Location: 4-166 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Motomachi Union 3rd floor Telephone: 045-319-4271 FAX: 045-319-4272 mail: Message from Dr. Hasumi I am Dr. Hasumi, the director of Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic. This time around, I decided to open a Clinic in Naka Ward, Yokohama city where I was born and raised. After working at a university hospital and studying abroad, in 2016 I became the director of the Oppama Ekimae Eye Clinic in Yokosuka City, where I have performed many cases such as cataract surgery and ptosis surgery. As a director, I felt motivated by the work of the clinic, which is closely related to regional medical care, and became strongly motivated to contribute to the community in my hometown. We aim to be a friendly clinic where you can feel free to contact us for any concerns you may have. I am trying to treat patients who have anxiety and difficulties about their illness. We would like to help everyone in Motomachi area and the surrounding communities for a long time. Best regards. アンカー 1 ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. ​The director was interviewed by the medical media Medical DOC. Explains those who are prone to ptosis and self-checks for ptosis. ​Our hospital is on the hospital town net I was interviewed. ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. ​Our hospital was interviewed by the hospital town net. See also the interview article with the director. Memberships 〇 Doctoral degree from Yokohama City University Graduate school of medicine 〇 Japanese Ophthalmological Society 〇 Japanese Ocular Inflammation Society 〇 Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 〇 Japanese Association for Ocular Infection 〇 Japanese Society of Ophthalmic Surgery Biography of the director Born in Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kitagata Elementary School, Graduated from Nakaodai Junior High School and Yokohama Midorigaoka High School 2001 Graduated from Shinshu University School of Medicine 2001-Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital Resident 2003-Fujisawa Municipal Hospital Ophthalmology Specialist 2005-Doctoral course, Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama City University 2007-National Institutes of Health (NIH) Researcher 2014-Worked at Yokohama-Minami Kyosai Hospital, Aoto Ophthalmology 2016-Sofukai Oppama Ekimae Eye Clinic Director 2020 Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic opens

  • シミ|元町マリン眼科

    SPOT stain HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members About ​ stains The equipment that Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology uses to remove blemishes is Lutronic's Spectra Q-switched yag laser. Spectra has a short wavelength in nanoseconds and irradiates melanin with a highly absorbing wavelength laser to cause thermal coagulation. The melanin-rich spots form scabs and peel off, leaving new skin underneath to heal. Thick stains and warts may not be removed in one go. Irradiation takes only a few minutes, but it is painful, so if you are sensitive to pain, we have the option of applying anesthesia tape or applying anesthesia cream. Covering with tape is required for 2 weeks after irradiation. After that, try to avoid UV rays with sunscreen. ​ In addition, inflammatory pigmentation, which turns reddish-black where the stain has been removed, occurs with a probability of about 60%. Inflammatory pigmentation peaks after one month, then fades with the passage of time and blends with other skin colors in about half a year. Whitening agents such as hydroquinone may be used. 医療脱毛メリット・デメリット 医療脱毛の主なメリットは、永続的な脱毛が可能であることです。しかし、施術は痛みを伴い、通常複数回の施術が必要です。一般的には多毛であると回数がかかります。また、医療脱毛はエステサロンなどの脱毛方法と比べて費用が高くなることが一般的です。 医療脱毛は、皮膚の色や毛の色によって効果が異なる場合があります。特に、黒い肌や白い毛を持つ人には、効果が低い場合があるため、施術前に医師と相談することが重要です。また、施術後の注意点もありますので、医師や看護師から指示を受けるようにしましょう。 ひげ脱毛とニキビ治療 ひげとニキビが混在しています。ニキビは毛根の炎症なのでヒゲに沿って炎症が起きます 詳細はこちら ひげ脱毛 あごの下から首にかけて濃く生えた毛を気にしているけども、医療脱毛は“痛い”イメージが強くてなかなか開始することができなかった患者さんの症例です 詳細はこちら

  • 眼科|元町マリン眼科

    HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members PTOSIS ptosis ​About ptosis What is ptosis eye Ptosis, as the name suggests, is a condition in which the eyelids droop, making it difficult to see. The eyelid protects the eyeball, moistens the surface of the eye when blinking, secretes tear components, etc., but it is the muscle tissue around the eyelid that moves the eyelid. For some reason, this function deteriorates, and if the pupil, which is the center of the pupil, is hidden, the field of vision will be blocked and it will be difficult to see. In order to lift the obstructive eyelids with the forehead, deep wrinkles are carved on the forehead, which may cause symptoms such as headaches. In addition, if the eyelids do not rise, the patient will be in a position to raise the chin and try to look up, causing symptoms such as stiff shoulders and neck. Since these are performed unconsciously, it is often the case that unexplained headaches and stiff shoulders are actually caused by ptosis. Types of ptosis Blepharoptosis can be congenital or acquired. Congenital ptosis can be an underdevelopment of the musculature within the eyelids or a problem with the shape of the eye you were born with. Acquired is aponeurotic ptosis, in which the muscle that lifts the eyelid (levator palpebrae superioris muscle) has detached from the eyelid, and eyelid skin that is difficult to see due to the heavy eyelid skin that has been stretched due to aging. There is flaccidity, and a combination of both. If it develops suddenly, it is better to consult a neurologist as soon as possible because a problem with the nerves or brain is suspected. Causes of drooping eyelids eye There are many different causes of drooping eyelids. If it is congenital, the cause is obvious, but if it is acquired, the person's predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits are involved in the onset, and the degree of occurrence varies on a case-by-case basis. Aponeurotic ptosis is known to be caused by mechanical irritation to the eyelids. For example, wearing hard contact lenses is famous. In addition, there have been reports of side effects of glaucoma eye drops, such as a history of intraocular surgery or trauma, frequent eye rubbing due to allergies or dry eyes, etc. How to treat ptosis For the treatment of ptosis, the first step is to exclude or treat internal diseases, and if the symptoms seem to be fixed, surgical treatment is considered. Surgery can be done on a day trip under local anesthesia unless it is a small child. There are many types of surgery, from surgery that does not cut the skin, to surgery that removes a large amount of skin, and grafting of tendons and artificial materials. The surgical procedure that suits each individual is determined based on the degree of ptosis, excess skin condition, and function of the levator muscle. In severe cases, multiple treatments may be required. Flow of blepharoptosis treatment First of all, you will receive counseling to diagnose whether the symptoms you are having trouble with are due to ptosis and whether the ptosis is the target of treatment. If ptosis is diagnosed, a simulation of surgery will be performed. For those who wish to have surgery, blood will be drawn to distinguish systemic diseases that cause ptosis. We will let you know the results of the blood test in about two weeks. If there is no abnormality in blood sampling, we will decide the date of surgery. Insurance coverage for drooping eyelids If blepharoptosis is diagnosed, surgery is covered by insurance. What is the difference between blepharoptosis surgery covered by insurance and cosmetic surgery performed by cosmetic surgery? That is, while blepharoptosis surgery performed by insurance aims to improve visual function and improve various symptoms caused by ptosis, cosmetic surgery is surgery performed to improve appearance. In blepharoptosis surgery covered by insurance, the appearance is secondary, so we cannot accept orders for the surgical method or double width. Therefore, people who are particular about their appearance may recommend cosmetic surgery. Cases not diagnosed as ptosis eye In order to be diagnosed with ptosis, it is necessary to meet the diagnostic criteria for ptosis. The distance from the edge of the upper eyelid to the center of the iris (pupil) is called MRD1 (Margin reflex distance), and if it is less than 2 mm, ptosis is diagnosed. In addition, as a criterion for whether or not to undergo surgery, our hospital emphasizes whether symptoms such as difficulty in seeing upwards, headaches, and stiff shoulders are caused by drooping eyelids. ​Ptosis cases Ptosis due to hard contact lenses Aponeurotic ptosis with laterality is a typical example of hard contact lenses. Click here for details Ptosis due to facial paralysis She has post-herpetic facial nerve palsy, and her left eyelid droops heavily. Click here for details Age-related eyelid laxity As we age, the skin on our forehead stretches and our eyebrows droop. Click here for details 眉下切開の術後経過 まぶたが重くて、睫毛が目に入ると言う事でいらっしゃった方です。 詳細はこちら 奥二重の方の眉下切開 2~3年前から瞼が重く感じ、頭痛や肩こりに悩まされていると言う事で来院されました。 詳細はこちら 目頭切開の併用 逆さまつげでお困りの患者様です。常に目頭側のまつ毛が入るので目が痒く、いつも抜いているとのことで来院されました。 詳細はこちら Frequently Asked Questions About Ptosis Q. I had a double surgery in cosmetic surgery before, but it came off a long time ago. Can I have surgery covered by insurance? ​A. I think the general interpretation is that if you have had surgery at your own expense, even once, you cannot have surgery covered by insurance. I agree with that, but I don't judge whether surgery is suitable for you based on the degree of ptosis and the symptoms you are having trouble with. Also, please do not make any false declarations as you will be able to know your past surgery history after surgery. Q. Can ptosis recur after blepharoptosis surgery? ​A. Since blepharoptosis is partly due to aging, it is possible that it will recur with age. If the cause is hard contact lenses, switching to soft contact lenses can prevent recurrence to some extent. If it recurs, it is possible to perform the operation again, but if the operation is performed on the same place, there is adhesion of the wound, etc., and the operation may become difficult and the swelling may be prolonged. Q. I'm worried because I heard that a celebrity had a failed surgery... ​A. As a surgeon, what I try to do is to choose a technique that gives the most natural finish possible. If you do not make a mistake in the surgical procedure, you will eventually get a natural finish, but during the downtime after the surgery, the bleeding will inevitably become a hematoma and the eyelids will swell. The wound is also red for about half a year. In addition, the scars will remain inconspicuous, but they will remain for the rest of your life. Video explanation! Flow of blepharoptosis surgery At Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology, we perform one-day surgery for ptosis. For those who are in trouble but can't decide to undergo surgery or are worried about surgery, we have created a guide that explains the flow of surgery so that you can undergo surgery with peace of mind. ​ 0:00 Introduction 0:31 Today's topic 0:53 Ptosis Symptoms and Counseling 1:57 Blood sampling and surgery appointment 2:47 Notes on the day 4:19 Postoperative Precautions and Expectations The ​ blog introduces cases of blepharoptosis surgery performed at our hospital. If you are considering surgery but are worried about postoperative swelling or the finish, please take a look. *All photos are published with the consent of the patient. Thank you for your cooperation! Show more

  • シミ|元町マリン眼科

    SPOT stain HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members About ​ stains What is a stain A blemish is an accumulation of melanin pigment in the epidermis of the skin. There are different types of blemishes, and in many cases there is a mixture of different types of blemishes. Different treatments are suitable for different types of stains. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain pure white skin with no blemishes using only one method. When it comes to blemishes, prevention is often the best cure. First, we will explain the causes of blemishes, and then explain the types of blemishes and recommended treatments. ​cause of spots そばかす・雀卵斑 比較的若年で色白の女性の多く見られる頬の細かいシミ。紫外線暴露で夏場に悪化します。IPL光治療の良い適応ですが、Qスイッチヤグレーザーのスポット照射でも治療できます。体質的なものがあり、治療しても再燃を繰り返すため、良い状態を維持するのに継続的な治療が必要です。 詳細はこちら 日光性色素斑 年配の方に見られる比較的大きくて境界明瞭なシミ。老人性色素斑とも言う。IPL光治療では薄くなりますが取れないのでQスイッチヤグレーザーの適応。色が濃いもの、厚みがあるものは複数回の治療が必要になることもあります。治療後は炎症性色素沈着が6割くらいの確率で起こりますが、数か月の経過を経て完治します。 肝斑 30~40代の女性に見られる両側対称性の境界明瞭な薄いしみ。おでこや鼻にも出現することがあるが、目の周りには起こらない。QスイッチヤグレーザーやIPL等機器の治療に抵抗性であり、生活指導や内服が基本の治療となります。レーザートーニングは賛否両論ありますが、複数回のマイルドな治療で肝斑が徐々に改善していくケースは臨床的に経験されます。ハイドロキノン塗布やトランサミン内服は推奨されています。 詳細はこちら 脂漏性角化症 高齢者のこめかみや露光部にみられる膨らんだシミでしばしば多発します。QスイッチヤグレーザーやIPL光治療では反応しない。皮膚科で保険診療で液体窒素による冷凍凝固でも治療は可能ですが、大きいものや多発しているケースは回数や時間がかかります。高周波メスやCO2レーザーでの切除は自費診療として対応しているところがほとんどです。 Acquired dermal melanocytosis (ADM) ADM is a bilateral symmetrical blemish that occurs in women in their 20s and 30s, and is a gray to bluish blackish pigmented spot due to the presence of melanin pigment deep in the skin. Because the lesion is in the dermis, it does not respond to IPL light therapy. Deep lesions are strongly irradiated with melanin-selective Q-switched YAG laser, and the treatment gradually thins over multiple treatments. What is sagging? デュアルピールでお肌の色調と肌質を改善 詳細はこちら ​施術前 ​施術後 IPLでシミや赤みを改善 詳細はこちら ​施術前 ​施術後 Video explanation! stain removal treatment The equipment that Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology uses to remove blemishes is Lutronic's Spectra Q-switched yag laser. Spectra has a short wavelength in nanoseconds and irradiates melanin with a highly absorbing wavelength laser to cause thermal coagulation. The melanin-rich spots form scabs and peel off, leaving new skin underneath to heal. Thick stains and warts may not be removed in one go. Irradiation takes only a few minutes, but it is painful, so if you are sensitive to pain, we have the option of applying anesthesia tape or applying anesthesia cream. Covering with tape is required for 2 weeks after irradiation. After that, try to avoid UV rays with sunscreen. ​ In addition, inflammatory pigmentation, which turns reddish-black where the stain has been removed, occurs with a probability of about 60%. Inflammatory pigmentation peaks after one month, then fades with the passage of time and blends with other skin colors in about half a year. Whitening agents such as hydroquinone may be used.

  • お問合せ | 元町マリン眼科 | 日本

    Click here for inquiries and questions ​ Q. My school examination pointed out that my eyesight was poor. In what frame should I make a reservation? A. If the judgment is "C" or "D", it may be necessary to remake or remake the glasses. Please make a reservation in the frame of "Orthoptist" or "Glasses Contact" that can prescribe glasses. Q. There are grain seeds around my eyes, and I would like to have the treatment on the day. Is it possible to have treatment on the day? A. It is difficult to self-diagnose the warts and grain species around the eyes, so first check the lesion with a microscope by counseling and explain the necessary treatment and cost for the diagnosis. Therefore, we do not accept treatment on the day. After listening to the explanation carefully, if you wish to have treatment, we will make an appointment for treatment at a later date. For online reservations, please make a reservation for counseling in the "Cosmetology Counseling" frame. * Only Director Hasumi is in charge of the medical examination. Q. I would like to remove the grain seeds. How much does it cost? A. The removal of grain seeds is covered by insurance. The cost will be around 1,000 yen for those who bear 30%. In addition, at our hospital, the number of treatments that can be taken at one time is up to 10, so if the number is large, the treatment will be divided into multiple treatments. please note that. Q. My health checkup required a re-examination due to an enlarged optic nerve depression. Can I have an inspection on the day? A. We will perform a detailed examination of glaucoma. The visual field test will be handled at a later date. Please refrain from visiting the hospital by car as the examination will be performed using eye drops that open the pupil on the day. Q. I would like to use contact lenses. A. To purchase contact lenses, you will need a prescription that specifies the manufacturer, brand, and power. Please specify from the lenses available at this hospital. Please note that we cannot prescribe lenses that are not available at our hospital. For more information, please contact us by phone or email. ​ Q. Can I buy contact lenses on the day of the test? A. We prescribe contact lenses, but we do not have contact lenses in stock, so you cannot purchase them on the day. You can pick it up 2-3 days after you place your order, or you can have it delivered to your home from the manufacturer. (Shipping fee may be required) It is also possible to issue a prescription only, so you can purchase it at contact stores. Q. Can I use a credit card? A. We accept credit cards from 1 yen regardless of whether you have medical insurance or free medical treatment. Credit cards are compatible with VISA, Master, JCB, AMEX and Diners. You can also use transportation electronic money such as Suica and PASMO. In addition, we do not support bar code payment such as Paypay. note that. Click here for inquiries and questions motomachi marine eye clinic ​ 4-166 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Motomachi Union 3rd floor ​ Phone: 045-319-4271 FAX: 045-319-4272 Email: For inquiries Send Thank you for your inquiry, please wait for a feedback

  • 元町マリン眼科(motomachi marine eye clinic)

    Reception and waiting room examination room Introducing the in-hospital facilities of Motomachi Marine Eye Clinic. Entrance Please use the elevator of Motomachi Union. We are located on the 3rd floor. Reception and waiting room 1/9 Notice from our hospital お知らせ ◆​Ophthalmology outpatient doctor partial change/holiday information◆ ·under The ophthalmology outpatient doctor in charge will change on the schedule. note that. 10/29 (Sat) 10:00-13:30 / 15:00-18:30 : Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Nakanishi 11/12 (Sat) 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Nakanishi 11/26 (Sat) 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Yamamoto 12/17 (Sat) 15:00-18:30 : Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Takeda 12/24 (Sat) 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Yamamoto *Cosmetic dermatology and surgical examinations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Dr. Hasumi. Please be careful ​ ·under Ophthalmology examination will be temporarily closed on the above schedule. note that. 11 /1 2 (Sat) 17:00-18:30 11 /2 2 (Sat) 15:00-18:30 ​ ◆Proposal for Urology department opening within ◆ Urology opened on January 11, 2022. (Doctor in charge: Hisashi Hasumi) Tuesday 10:00-13:30 Friday 15:00-18:30 (Please come 30 minutes before closing time) No matter what your concerns are, we will be there for you to reduce your psychological burden, so please feel free to contact us. ​ ◆​Ophthalmology outpatient doctor/outpatient hours partial change◆ From March 2022, As shown below, some ophthalmology outpatient doctors have been changed. Monday 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Tase Tuesdays 15:00-18:30: Closed for outpatients Reservation only (surgery/treatment only) Friday 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Takeda Cosmetic dermatology consultations are closed during the hours of doctors other than Dr. Hasumi. Please be careful. ◆ About new corona vaccination ◆ ■ Notice (updated on August 25) We have closed our vaccination program. If you would like to be vaccinated, please consider a group vaccination venue. ​For detailsYokohama City Special Site , or see information for your area. Reservations are given priority for ophthalmology and urology (time reservation system) , and cosmetic dermatology is a complete reservation system . Reservations can be made online or by phone. Please see the reservation page for details. reservation AI consultation desk service started! ​ We have set up an AI consultation service that can check disease candidates from symptoms. If you are unsure whether to visit the hospital, please try before coming to the hospital. Please consult us in such cases Red eyes Rheum Suspected eyes, conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis, etc. Unexpected illness may be found when it is not cured by eye drops Stye dose not heal easily We also perform one-day surgery for styes and chalazions. Hard-to-heal styes for the elderly can be malignant Deterioration of eyesight Suspected fundus diseases such as advanced myopia and astigmatism, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and retinal vein occlusion Regular check-up health check If you are advised to have an ophthalmology examination for a 3-year-old child examination, school examination, workplace health examination, license renewal, etc. Eyeglasses / contact lenses B oth first-time contact lens users and experienced user who needs prescription refilled are welcome. We prescribe eyeglasses as well. Sagging eyelids obstructs vision ​ We also perform day surgery such as ptosis and upside down eyelids (National Health insurance may applicable) Warts and moles around the eyes ​ We also perform day surgeries such as removing warts and milium around the eyes and removing moles. For beauty around the eyes We also perform cosmetic dermatology treatments such as HIFU, IPL, and Dermapen. The blog is being updated by our staff! Nov 7, 2021 Visual acuity deteriorates due to stress⁈ Story of psychogenic visual impairment In today’s modern society, we are exposed to various types of stress. It is said that waiting is the greatest stress for most people, who... Feb 6, 2021 Low concentration (0.01%) atropine for suppression of progressive myopia in children Atropine is a powerful mydriatic drug that is sometimes used in eye exam. When used at normal concentrations, the pupils will remain open... Nov 1, 2020 Need an eye exam👀? Do you think you have perfect vision? Even so, it is important for people of all ages to have regular eye exams.... See more

  • Ophthalmology | 元町マリン眼科

    Our practice What is ptosis eye Ptosis, as the name suggests, is a condition in which the eyelids droop, making it difficult to see. The eyelid protects the eyeball, moistens the surface of the eye when blinking, secretes tear components, etc., but it is the muscle tissue around the eyelid that moves the eyelid. For some reason, this function deteriorates, and if the pupil, which is the center of the pupil, is hidden, the field of vision will be blocked and it will be difficult to see. In order to lift the obstructive eyelids with the forehead, deep wrinkles are carved on the forehead, which may cause symptoms such as headaches. In addition, if the eyelids do not rise, the patient will be in a position to raise the chin and try to look up, causing symptoms such as stiff shoulders and neck. Since these are performed unconsciously, it is often the case that unexplained headaches and stiff shoulders are actually caused by ptosis. Types of ptosis Blepharoptosis can be congenital or acquired. Congenital ptosis can be an underdevelopment of the musculature within the eyelids or a problem with the shape of the eye you were born with. Acquired is aponeurotic ptosis, in which the muscle that lifts the eyelid (levator palpebrae superioris muscle) is separated from the eyelid, and eyelid skin that is difficult to see because the eyelid skin that has been stretched due to aging is heavy and covers the eye. There is flaccidity, and a combination of both. If it develops suddenly, it is better to consult a neurologist as soon as possible because a problem with the nerves or brain is suspected. Causes of drooping eyelids eye There are many different causes of drooping eyelids. If it is congenital, the cause is obvious, but if it is acquired, the person's predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits are involved in the onset, and the degree of occurrence varies on a case-by-case basis. Aponeurotic ptosis is known to be caused by mechanical irritation to the eyelids. For example, wearing hard contact lenses is famous. In addition, there have been reports of side effects of glaucoma eye drops, such as a history of intraocular surgery or trauma, frequent eye rubbing due to allergies or dry eyes, etc. How to treat ptosis For the treatment of blepharoptosis, we first exclude or treat internal diseases, and if the symptoms seem to be fixed, surgical treatment is considered. Surgery can be done on a day trip under local anesthesia unless it is a small child. There are many types of surgery, from surgery that does not cut the skin, to surgery that removes a large amount of skin, and grafting of tendons and artificial materials. The surgical procedure that suits each individual is determined based on the degree of ptosis, excess skin condition, and function of the levator muscle. In severe cases, multiple treatments may be required. Flow of blepharoptosis treatment First of all, you will receive counseling to diagnose whether the symptoms you are having trouble with are due to ptosis and whether the ptosis is the target of treatment. If ptosis is diagnosed, a simulation of surgery will be performed. For those who wish to have surgery, blood will be drawn to distinguish systemic diseases that cause ptosis. We will let you know the results of the blood test in about two weeks. If there is no abnormality in blood sampling, we will decide the date of surgery. Insurance coverage for drooping eyelids If blepharoptosis is diagnosed, surgery is covered by insurance. What is the difference between blepharoptosis surgery covered by insurance and cosmetic surgery performed by cosmetic surgery? That is, while blepharoptosis surgery performed by insurance aims to improve visual function and improve various symptoms caused by ptosis, cosmetic surgery is surgery performed to improve appearance. In blepharoptosis surgery covered by insurance, the appearance is secondary, so we cannot accept orders for the surgical method or double width. Therefore, people who are particular about their appearance may recommend cosmetic surgery. Cases not diagnosed as ptosis eye In order to be diagnosed with ptosis, it is necessary to meet the diagnostic criteria for ptosis. The distance from the edge of the upper eyelid to the center of the iris (pupil) is called MRD1 (Margin reflex distance), and if it is less than 2 mm, ptosis is diagnosed. In addition, as a criterion for whether or not to undergo surgery, our hospital emphasizes whether symptoms such as difficulty in seeing upwards, headaches, and stiff shoulders are caused by drooping eyelids. Cases of blepharoptosis by hard contact lenses ptosis Aponeurotic ptosis with laterality is a typical example of hard contact lenses. ​ Click here for details due to facial paralysis ptosis She has post-herpetic facial nerve palsy, and her left eyelid droops heavily. Click here for details due to aging eyelid laxity As we age, the skin on our forehead stretches and our eyebrows droop. ​ Click here for details Frequently Asked Questions About Ptosis Q. I had a double surgery in cosmetic surgery before, but it came off a long time ago. Can I have surgery covered by insurance? ​A. I think the general interpretation is that if you have had surgery at your own expense, even once, you cannot have surgery covered by insurance. I agree with that, but I don't judge whether surgery is suitable for you based on the degree of ptosis and the symptoms you are having trouble with. Also, please do not make any false declarations as you will be able to know your past surgery history after surgery. Q. Can ptosis recur after blepharoptosis surgery? ​A. Since blepharoptosis is partly due to aging, it is possible that it will recur with age. If the cause is hard contact lenses, switching to soft contact lenses can prevent recurrence to some extent. If it recurs, it is possible to perform the operation again, but if the operation is performed on the same place, there is adhesion of the wound, etc., and the operation may become difficult and the swelling may be prolonged. Q. I'm worried because I heard that a celebrity had a failed surgery... ​A. As a surgeon, what I try to do is to choose a technique that gives the most natural finish possible. If you do not make a mistake in the surgical procedure, you will eventually get a natural finish, but during the downtime after the surgery, the bleeding will inevitably become a hematoma and the eyelids will swell. The wound is also red for about half a year. In addition, the scars will remain inconspicuous, but they will remain for the rest of your life. Video explanation! Flow of blepharoptosis surgery At Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology, we perform one-day surgery for ptosis. For those who are in trouble but can't decide to undergo surgery or are worried about surgery, we have created a guide that explains the flow of surgery so that you can undergo surgery with peace of mind. 0:00 Introduction 0:31 Today's topic 0:53 Ptosis Symptoms and Counseling 1:57 Blood sampling and surgery appointment 2:47 Notes on the day 4:19 Postoperative Precautions and Expectations Start Now The ​ blog introduces cases of blepharoptosis surgery performed at our hospital. If you are considering surgery but are worried about postoperative swelling or the finish, please take a look. *All photos are published with the consent of the patient. Thank you for your cooperation! Show more

  • アートメイク|元町マリン眼科

    MAKEUP permanent makeup HOME HOME 診療カレンダー About us Media About us Reservation Questionnaire Ophthalmology Ptosis Ingrown-eyelash Sty Beauty dermatology Spot Sagging-skin Makeup Makeup Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Urology Access Recruit Recruit Recruit Blog Members About permanent makeup What is permanent makeup? Normal makeup will come off when you wash it, but permanent makeup is makeup that embeds pigments in the skin and makes it last longer. Since the fixation of the pigment is weak in one treatment, it will be firmly fixed in two treatments. Although there are individual differences, it gradually becomes thinner due to skin turnover, and it becomes quite thin in 1 to 2 years, but it does not disappear completely, and if you want to remove it, you may need a laser or excision. . Permanent makeup treatment method Permanent makeup is considered a medical practice that damages the skin and embeds pigments in the skin. Therefore, it is illegal unless it is performed by a qualified doctor or nurse. At our clinic, we use sterilized disposable needles and domestic safe dyes. All ingredients are iron hydroxide, ferric oxide, carbon black, polyethylene glycol, and 1,3-butylene glycol. We use ingredients with low allergenicity, but this does not mean that allergies will not occur in everyone. Precautions for permanent makeup The permanent makeup pigments used at our clinic contain iron and have conductivity (the property of conducting electricity). There have been reports in overseas medical journals of cases in which people who had tattoos or permanent makeup with pigments containing iron in the past suffered minor burns to the area during an MRI examination. However, this is the case when the pigment is applied very densely, and it is unlikely to occur with normal thin permanent makeup. In the unlikely event that you feel a burning sensation during the MRI examination, please stop the examination once and take the examination again while cooling with Iceon. アートメイクの症例 ​施術前 ​施術後 ​施術前 ​施術後 ​施術前 ​施術後 ​施術前 ​施術後 ​施術前 ​施術後 にて症例をアップしてます! Instagram Instagram Treatment list eyebrow art makeup メディカルアートメイク ⇛66,000円/回 リタッチ(3ヶ月以内)⇛55,000円/回 当院で2回行った方はその後のリタッチ(最後より2年以内)⇛55,000円/回 For such troubles I want to shorten the daily makeup time Left and right eyebrows are out of balance アイラインアートメイク アイラインアートメイク ⇛55,000円/回 アイラインリタッチ(3ヶ月以内)⇛44,000円/回 施術前 施術後 施術前 施術後

  • Urology | 元町マリン眼科

    Urology Information Consultation time Tuesday 10:00-13:30 Friday 15:00-18:30 ​ (Please come 30 minutes before the end time) Doctor in charge Hisasi Hasumi (Urologist / Instructor, Doctor of Medicine) ◆​ Notice of partial change of ophthalmology outpatient doctor◆ under The ophthalmology outpatient doctor in charge will change on the schedule. note that. ​ 10/22 (Sat) 15:00-18:30 : Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Yamamoto 10/29 (Sat) 10:00-13:30 / 15:00-18:30 : Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Nakanishi ​ *Ptosis surgery and upside-down eyelash surgery are not available during the hours of doctors in charge other than Dr. Hasumi. Please be careful. Please contact us in such cases Difficult to urinate Have nocturia I have pain when urinating The pee is muddy The toilet is near, urine leaks cystitis I was advised to have a medical examination PSA is overpriced ​ Pus comes out of the urethra Follow-up for kidney cancer, bladder cancer, etc. ​ Other health consultation ​ ​Available inspections, equipment, etc. Urinalysis After visiting the hospital, urine will be collected and examined for white blood cells, blood, protein, etc. in the urine. Also, examine the components (sink) that sank in the centrifuge under a microscope. Check for abnormal cells (cancer cells). Urinalysis results will be announced on the day of the event. ​ Culture test ​ If you suspect an infection, such as when you have a fever or pain and white blood cells are observed on a urine test, perform a urine culture to find out which bacteria are causing it. Also, by examining drug susceptibility, treatment is performed with appropriate antibiotics. ​ Blood sampling test Blood is drawn to check for abnormalities in kidney and liver function, increased white blood cells, increased inflammatory proteins, and anemia. It also measures PSA, a marker for prostate cancer. The results of the blood sampling test will be announced at a later date. ​ Ultrasound diagnostic device (Xario100) This is an examination that uses ultrasonic waves to examine the inside of the body. It is used in various organs because it does not burden the body. Urology includes echoes of the kidneys, bladder, prostate, and testicles. ​ ​ Imaging inspection such as CT / MRI As a result of the ultrasonic examination, if necessary, we will refer you to affiliated clinics and hospitals and perform imaging examinations such as CT and MRI. Highly accurate inspection can be performed by combining with the findings of ultrasonic waves.

  • 横浜市中区元町の眼科・美容皮膚科|元町マリン眼科

    Ophthalmology and cosmetic dermatology in Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama|Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology List of blog articles 2024年4月29日 ご注意ください!5月からの診療時間について 2024年4月10日 子供の視力検査と新しい診療担当医のご紹介 2024年4月8日 目頭切開x眉下切開・男性の場合 2024年4月5日 2024年5月より診療時間変更のお知らせ 2024年4月4日 春休みの間に治したい霰粒腫 2024年3月31日 アイラインアートメイクを始めました! CLINIC BLOG clinic blog Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor Partial Change Information ・On the dates below, the outpatient ophthalmologist will be changed. note that. 2/18 (Sat) 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Yamamoto 3/18 (Sat) 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Nakanishi *Cosmetic dermatology and surgical examinations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. ​ ​Guidance of urology outpatient temporary closure ・On the following dates, the clinic will be temporarily closed due to attendance at the medical conference in charge. note that. 2/24 (Fri) 16:00-18:30 4/21 (Fri) 15:00-18:30 ​ Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor / Notice of Partial Change in Outpatient Hours From March 2022, some ophthalmology outpatient doctors have been changed as follows. Monday 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Tase Tuesdays 15:00-18:30: Closed for outpatients Reservation only (surgery/treatment only) Friday 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Takeda *Cosmetic dermatology consultations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor Partial Change Information ・On the dates below, the outpatient ophthalmologist will be changed. note that. 2/18 (Sat) 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Yamamoto 3/18 (Sat) 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Nakanishi *Cosmetic dermatology and surgical examinations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. ​ ​Guidance of urology outpatient temporary closure ・On the following dates, the clinic will be temporarily closed due to attendance at the medical conference in charge. note that. 2/24 (Fri) 16:00-18:30 4/21 (Fri) 15:00-18:30 ​ Ophthalmology Outpatient Doctor / Notice of Partial Change in Outpatient Hours From March 2022, some ophthalmology outpatient doctors have been changed as follows. Monday 10:00-13:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Tase Tuesdays 15:00-18:30: Closed for outpatients Reservation only (surgery/treatment only) Friday 15:00-18:30: Director Hasumi ⇒ Dr. Takeda *Cosmetic dermatology consultations are closed during the hours of doctors in charge other than Director Hasumi. 【採用情報】当サイトからの応募で 採用​お祝い金 3 万円 プレゼント! 詳しくは各職種の募集要項をご確認ください。 看護師 視能訓練士 医療事務 看護助手 MEDICAL CONTENTS Medical information Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology is a clinic that provides cosmetic dermatology and urology treatment centered on ophthalmology by ophthalmologists certified by the Japanese Ophthalmological Society. In order to meet a wide range of needs in one clinic, we provide medical care in multiple clinical departments. ptosis upside down eyelashes sty stain Sagging Anti-Aging FEATURE Features of our hospital Extensive experience in treating eyelids Our clinic is a clinic with a wealth of achievements in "eyelid treatment" such as ptosis and upside down eyelashes. A doctor who has studied at a university hospital and studied abroad in the United States and has experience in various eye disease surgeries will be in charge of ptosis, double eyelid surgery, and upside down eyelashes. Cosmetic dermatology treatment We also provide cosmetic dermatology treatment in order to respond to the request of "removing wrinkles and blemishes" from patients who have become able to see their faces better due to eye treatment. In addition to wrinkles and spots, we also remove warts and medical hair removal. 5 minute walk from the station Motomachi Union, where our clinic is located, is located in a convenient location, a 5-minute walk from JR Ishikawacho Station and a 5-minute walk from Motomachi-Chukagai Station on the Minatomirai Line. DOCTOR Doctor introduction This time, I have decided to open a hospital in Naka Ward, Yokohama, where I was born and raised. After working at a university hospital and studying abroad, in 2016, I became the director of the Oppama Ekimae Ophthalmology Clinic in Yokosuka City, and performed many cases such as one-day cataract surgery and blepharoptosis surgery. As the director, I felt a sense of purpose in my work at the clinic, which is closely involved in community medicine, and came to feel strongly that I wanted to contribute to the community where I was born and raised. We aim to be a friendly clinic where you can feel free to talk to us about any problem, no matter how small. We strive to provide care that is close to patients who have anxiety and difficulties related to illness. Motomachi Marine Ophthalmology ​ Director Yukiko Hasumi CASE Case introduction Aponeurotic ptosis with laterality is a typical example of hard contact lenses. Click here for details A case of double eyelid with thick skin and thick eyelids Click here for details About 10 years ago, a patient complained of heavy eyelids and tiredness in the evening. Click here for details A case of a patient who complained that it was difficult to see because the right and left eyelids were covered. Click here for details Postoperative course of a patient who is in trouble with ptosis but is afraid to cut it, so wants to have surgery for burial Click here for details A case of severe myopia and blepharoptosis after long-term use of hard contact lenses Click here for details 眼瞼下垂でまぶたが重く、睫毛が目に入ると言う事でいらっしゃった方の術後経過 詳しくはこちら 眼瞼下垂により、頭痛や肩こりに悩まされていた奥二重の方の眉下切開の一例です。 詳しくはこちら 逆さまつげでお困りの患者様です。切開法の重瞼形成+目頭切開を行いました。 詳しくはこちら CLINIC About our hospital Motomachi Union 3F, 4-166 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama Phone: +81-45-319-4271 / Fax: +81-45-319-4272 TEL 045-319-4271 Online reservation 元町マリン眼科診療カレンダー

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